Special School Services at 22-January-2025

Wallerawang Public School

For further information about school travel please contact us.


Shaded / Italicised routes require a transfer to/from another bus. (L) = Bus turns left and (R) = Bus turns right.

Bus Time Morning Bus Routes
  7:40 Donald, (L)Tank St, (R)Main
  7:43 Main , (R)Great Western, Dunn's Cnr, (R) Cooerwull Rd, 7.50 Caravan Park, (R)Great Western Hwy, (L)Castlereagh, (R)Wolgan, (R)Neubeck, (R)Skelly, (L)Wolgan
  8:00 (R)Castlereagh Hwy, (L)Main (Wallerawang)
  8:03 (L)Black Bridge, (R)Tweedie, (L)Commens, (L)Lidsdale
  8:07 (L)Hume, (R)Cannelite, (L)Lyon, (L)Barton, (R)Black Bridge, (L)Pipers Flat
  8:15 (L)John Mackey, (R)Sunny Corner, (L)Falnash, (R)Ridge, (R)Burton, (L)Reservoir, (R)Kiln, (L)Villiers
  8:26 Portland Central School
  8:26 (L)Wolgan, (L)Vale (Portland Rsl), (R)Lett, (R)Williwa
  8:30 St Josephs School (Portland)
  8:30 (R)Railway, (L)Main, (L)Corlette, (L)Thompson, (R)Rowsell, (R)Boulder, (R)Castlereagh
  8:45 (L)Ian Holt, (L)Wolgan
  8:55 Wolgan, (R)Castlereagh Hwy, (L)Main (Wallerawang), (L)Black Bridge, (L)Barton
  9:05 Wallerawang Public School
  6:50 (R)Donald, (L)Tank, (R)Main, (R)Great Western Highway, (R)Sunny Corner
  7:15 Turn Into Murell St, Use Turn Around Bay Outside Meadow Flat Public School
  7:17 (L)Continue Sunny Corner, (R)Sunny Corner, (L)Lime, (R)Williwa, (R),Railway, (L)Main, (L)Corlette, (L)Thompson
  7:40 East Portland
  7:40 (L)Railway, (R)Williwa, (L)Lime, (R)Laurie, (L)Kiln, (L)Villiers, (L)Cox
  7:46 (L)Vale, (Portland Rsl), (R)Wolgan, (L)Wallerawang
  7:55 (R)Black Bridge, (L)Barton, (L)Great Western Hwy, (L)Cooerwull,
  8:05 Lithgow Caravan Park, (R) Visitor Information Centre, (L)Great Western Highway, (L)Rabaul, (R)La Salle Acess Road
  8:15 La Salle Academy
  8:15 Amiens, (L)Martini, (R)Methven, (L)Malvern
  8:19 Cooerwull Infant School
  8:19 Ordnance
  8:20 Cooerwull Public School
  8:20 (R)Ordnance, (L)Methven, (L)Hassans Walls, (R)Lithgow, (R)Bent, (L)Hassan
  8:23 St Patricks Primary School (Lithgow)
  8:25 (R)Mort, (R)Eskbank,
  8:25 Lithgow Primary School
  8:27 Eskbank, (L)Pau
  8:30 Lithgow High School
  8:30 Pick up AM07
  8:30 Pau, (R)Eskbank, (L)Mort, (R)Lithgow, (L)Main, (R)Great Western Hwy, (L)Castlereagh Hwy, (L)Main (L) Over Black Bridge, (L)Barton, (L)Cripps, (R)Heel, (R)James
  8:45 James, (R)Barton, (L)Lyon, (R)Hume, (L)Cannelite, (R)Oxley, (R)Mckenzie , (L)Lyon, (R)Barton
  9:00 Wallerawang Public School
  7:20 Special To Sandham Road
  7:35 (L) Sandham Road
  7:35 Proceed Down Sandham, Load At 30 Sandham Rd Where Dirt And Tar Rds Meet - Turn Around At Newnes Junction - Return Sanham Rd
  7:50 Turn Right Onto Bells Line Of Road
  7:52 Bell Railway Station
  7:55 Load Students At Intersection Valley View Rd
  7:59 (L)Petra Ave
  8:05 Turn Around At The End Of Petra Ave With Care, (L)Chifley Rd
  8:15 (L)Hartley Valley Rd- Turn Around At Doctors Gap- With Extreme Care
  8:20 Continue Hartley Valley, (L)Mort
  8:22 Mort Street Bus Shed
  8:24 (L)Mort, (L)Eskbank
  8:25 Lithgow Primary School
  8:25 Transfer to AM05
  6:50 Special To Gwh & Robinia Drive
  7:20 Main, (R) Great Western Hwy (L) Castlereagh To Lidsdale (R)Wolgan - Turn Around Maddox Lane With Care
  7:42 Wolgan, (R)Castlereagh Hwy, (L)Main, (L)Over Black Bridge, (L)Barton, (L)Cripps, (R)Heel, (R)James, (L) Barton, (L)Great Western Highway - Lithgow
  8:06 (L)Rabaul, (R)La Salle Access Road
  8:07 La Salle Academy
  8:08 Rabaul - Amiens, (L)Martini, (R)Methven, (L)Malvern
  8:10 Cooerwull Infants School
  8:10 Malvern
  8:11 Cooerwull Public School
  8:11 Malvern, (R)Ordnance, (L)Methven, (L)Hassans Walls , (R)Lithgow, (R)Bent, (L)Hassan
  8:13 St Patricks Primary School (Lithgow)
  8:13 Hassan, (R)Mort, (R)Eskbank
  8:15 Lithgow Primary School
  8:15 Eskbank, (L)Pau
  8:17 Lithgow High School
  8:20 Pau, (R)Eskbank, (L)Mort, (R)Lithgow , (L)Main
  8:25 Queen Elizabeth Park
  8:25 Main, (R)Great Western Hwy, (R)Barton, (L)Forest Ridge, (R)West Ridge Drive Turn Around At 1st Road West Ridge, (L)Forest Ridge, (L)Commens, (R) Simpkins,(R)Cary,(R)Lane, (R)Commens, (R)Tweedie - Barton,(L)Over Black Bridge, (L)Pipers Flat Rd, (L)Burnett, (R)Elizabeth, (R)Rydal, (R)Pipers Flat, (R)Over Black Bridge, (L)Barton , (R) Into Bus Access
  8:53 Wallerawang Public School

Bus Time Afternoon Bus Routes
  3:00 Wallerawang Public School
  3:10 (L)Barton, (R)Cripps, (R)Heel, (R)James, (R)Barton, (L)Lyon, (R)Hume, (L)Cannelite, (R)Oxley, (R)Mckenzie, (L)Lyon, (L)Barton,
  3:16 (R)Black Bridge, (L)Pipers Flat, (L)Burnett, (R)Elizabeth, (R)Rydal, (R)Pipers Flat
  3:20 (R)Black Bridge, (L)Barton, (L)Great Western Highway
  3:26 (R)Gemalong Cl - Do U-Turn Upon Entry To Gemalong Cl At "T" In Road - Drop Student, (R)Great Western Hwy
  3:35 (L)Main, (R)Lithgow, (L)Mort, (R)Eskbank
  3:40 Lithgow Primary School
  3:40 Eskbank, (L)Pau
  3:43 Lithgow High School
  3:45 Pau, (R)Bridge, (R)Inch - Bells Turn Around At Oaky Park Bus Shed
  3:50 Bells, (R)Atkinson, (L)Laidley, (R)Macauley - Turn Around At Mount - Macauley - Sanford, (R)Coalbrook - Geordie Over Railway Crossing, (L)Cooerwull At Information Centre
  4:00 (R)Great Western Hwy, (R)Barton, (R)Black Bridge, (L)Pipers Flat
  4:07 (R)Wolgan, (L)Vale, (L)Cox, (R)Villiers, (R)Kiln, (R)Laurie, (L)Lime
  4:20 (R)Williwa , (R)Railway, (L)Main, (L)Corlette, (L)Thompson
  4:55 Arrrive Depot
  3:07 Wallerawang Public School
  3:10 (L)Barton, (R)Black Bridge, (R)Main
  3:13 (R)Castlereagh Highway, (L)Wolgan
  3:23 Wolgan, (L)Neubeck, (R)Skelly, - Ian Holt, (R)Castlereagh Highway
  3:28 (L)Boulder, (L)Rowsell
  3:28 (L)Railway, (R)Williwa
  3:42 St Josephs School (Portland)
  3:44 (L)Wolgan, (R)Vale, (L)Cox, (L)Villers
  3:45 Portland Central School
  3:45 (L)Wolgan, (L)Vale, (L)Cox, (R)Villiers, (R)Kiln, (L)Laurie, (L)Ridge, (L)Falnash, (R)Sunny Corner
  3:52 (L)John Mackey , (R)Pipers Flat , (R)Black Bridge, (R)Tweedie, (L)Commens, (L)Lidsdale
  4:02 (L)Hume, (R)Cannelite , (L)Lyon, (L)Barton, (R)Cripps, (R)Heel, (R)James, (R)Barton
  4:07 (R)Black Bridge, (R)Main
  4:11 (R)Castlereagh Highway
  4:16 (L)Great Western Hwy To Lithgow
  4:30 4.30 Court House Hotel, 4.31 Railway Station, 4.32 Library - Main Street, 4.35 Lithgow Valley Plaza, 4.40 Small Arms Factory, 4.43 Rabaul/Lemnos, 4.45 Gwh/Robinia, On Request-Strathlone Estate Loop, 4.47 Kirklry Gardens, 4.50 Lithgow Hospital, 4.51 Tree View Estate, 4.53 Lemnos/Rabaul, 4.56 Opp Small Arms Factory, 5.01 Lithgow Valley Plaza, 5.05 Opp Library/Main Street, 5.06 Lithgow Railway, Via (R)Eskbank, (L)Mort, (L)Bridge, (L)Main, 5.07 Court House Hotel
  5:07 Return To Depot
  5:10 Arrive At Depot
  3:05 Wallerawang Public School
  3:05 Barton - (L)Commens , (L)Simpkins, (R)Cary, (R)Lane, (R)Commens, (L)Mudgee, (L)Bathgate, (L)Junction, (R)Commens, (R)Forest Ridge, (R)West Ridge - Turn Around 1st Road - West Ridge, (L)Forest Ridge, (R)Barton
  3:20 (L)Great Western Hwy, (L)Cooerwull, (R)Cooerwull,At Information Centre, (L)Gt Western Hwy, (L)Main, (R)Tank, (R)Mort, (L)Eskbank
  3:35 Lithgow Primary School
  3:35 Eskbank, (L)Pau
  3:38 Lithgow High School
  3:38 Pau, (R)Bridge, (L)Main
  3:40 Main (L) Lithgow
  3:43 St Patricks Primary School - Pick Up At Gate
  3:45 Lithgow, (L)Lvsc, (L) Bent, (L) Lithgow, (L) Hassans Walls, (R) Methven,
  3:47 (L)Martini, (R)Amiens, (R)Rabaul, (L)La Salle Access Road
  3:49 La Salle Academy
  3:52 Across Rabaul Into Amiens St, (L)Enfield Ave, (L)Bayonet St, (R)Great Western Hwy , (R)Barton, (R)James, (L)Heel, (L)Cripps, (R)Barton, (R) Over Black Bridge, (L)Pipers Flat
  4:05 Pipers Flat , (L)Rydal, (R)Great Western Hwy-Sydney Road,
  4:35 Yetholme Service Station To Bathurst Station Via (L)Havannah, (L)Into Keppel
  4:52 Bathurst Station
  4:54 Special To Stand A
  4:59 Howick, (L)William, (L)Russell, (L)Bentinck, (R)Sydney Rd, (R)Littlebourne
  5:08 The Scots School (Bathurst)
  5:09 Littlebourne, (R)Sydney Rd - Great Western Highway
  5:30 Yetholme Service Station
  5:36 L)Meadow Flat Sunny Corner , (R) Sunny Corner, (L)Lime, (R)Villiers, (L)Cox
  5:50 (R)Vale
  5:50 Portland Rsl - Continue (R)Wolgan, (L)Wallerawang Rd - Pipers Flat Rd - Portland Rd, (R)Over Black Bridge, (L)Tweedie - Barton, (L)Great Western Hwy,
  6:07 (R)Giraween, (R)Pimpala Loop Back To Hwy
  6:17 (R)Lithgow St To Lvsc, (L) Cooerwull Road, (L)Great Western Highway, (L)Main
  6:23 Lithgow Workers Club